when I made my list of 20 things I want to do while I am 20? Well here they are again. I am mostly doing this to remind myself so it doesn't look like I just posted them to have a post. It was a good idea to review these for myself:
1. Laugh a lot-
I don't think I go a day without doing this. :)2. Take a chance even if it doesn't come out successful.
-Nothing yet. 3. Go on a trip out of state with friends.
-Did it! CA 4. Feel more confident about myself.
-Needs some paying attention to.5. Eat healthier -
mmmm so so.6. Make the best out of any bad situation
-I think I'm pretty good at doing that at the most part.7. Make some new friends, but keep the old too of course!
-a few so far. :)8. Take the time and read a few books.
-uhumm yes I DO need to make time for this. :[9. Create for myself
-maybe when school is out I'll have time?10. Turn more can'ts into cans
-Yeah.......11. Turn dreams into reality known as plans
-hmmmm12. Love and appreciate school
-I tell this to myself EVERYDAY. AND it changes everyday too.13. Learn a new hobby
-Book Binding! Anyone have tips for this?14. Remind all the people I love how much I appreciate them in my life.
-I've been pretty good with this one -so I think.15. Spend more time outdoors and enjoy it!
-believe me, as soon as it gets warmer I will!16. Help someone in need
-Doing it!! :)17. Remember "that Moment" and cherish it
-I've had some of these already and I do cherish them every day. 18. Do something exotic, still trying to figure out what that might be. (my hair?)
-yep -still.19. RELAX and take time for myself and forget the world for a bit.
-Relax? What does that mean?20. Write thank you notes.
-Need to be better.
I thought that it would be cool if I took pictures of bubbles. Obviously I didn't take the one of me, but I got this cool one of my rommate! I thought that it was cool and that I would share it with you. What a fun day/night that was to be outside!