..I'm a little behind, but at least i'm doing it right?! Last weekend was of course 4th of July weekend as you all know so I thought I would share a few photos. I just realized after looking what photos to put on here, I didn't take that many. oops. I just didn't want to be tied to my camera all weekend. Shaylin has some ones of us on the water.

Wednesday night my mom, sister, and niece came down to go to the Oquirrh Mountain temple open house. What an amazing temple. I love it.

I loved this picture of Mckenna and Jackie so I HAD to put it on.

Doesn't my mom look extra summery.. her apron and shirt match the watermelon. Cute mom. :)

And I had to capture this moment of Mckenna eating the watermelon. If you look close she has watermelon dripping down her chin. She loves watermelon that's for sure.

The yummy dessert Kendra made for us on Sunday. I ate a lot of it and thought it was okay b/c there were fresh strawberries and fresh blueberries to make up for it. I made those toppers one day at work and was going to make cupcakes but that would be too much dessert in one weekend. Inspiration found on this
Hope you had a great 4th!