Holy! It's been a long long LONG time since I have blogged. I know there is a lot that i can blog about, but I don't want to without pictures! Which means, I have to go take pictures in order for me to blog about it! :) How about we just update a little bit about what's going on in my life right now? Sound good? Well I hope so.. because that's what I am going to do!
I am going to start off by saying that I am STRESS FREE at the moment that is. I just got done taking a huge test on Monday for my art history from the Renaissance class. It amazes me how interesting it is, but when it comes to taking the test... I don't know what happens! Today is the day that I find out what I got! Which means I am sitting in class for another 20 minutes for class to begin. I don't have anything to study yet! YAY! I just hope I did well on the test!
My mom, sister, and niece are suppose to be getting into town in a a couple of hours from now and I cannot wait to see them! It feels so good to have them come down here and send some time with Kendra and I for once! I cannot wait to have a girl's night out with my family. I love them so much and wish we could all be together all the time! Families are amazing I would have to say. The things they do for ya! :)
There's a lot going on down here this weekend. It is Rich High School's Girl's Volleyball State this week/end. And a lot of my friends from High School will be down here. There are dances, friend's farewell this Sunday, a party to go to Saturday night with my friend Mollie in Salt Lake. She nannies for Jared Hess- the Director and Producer of Nepoleon Dynamite and Nacho Libre. I GET TO MEET HIM! - GET THIS! THERE ARE GOING TO BE LIVE SNAKES!! That is my biggest fear in the world! I told there that there is NO WAY I am going! She said that they will be locked up in their cages! She better be right or I am going to bolt right out of there! I guess I better overcome this fear some how. But why should I? How CAN I? (There will for sure be a post and PICTURES in the near future!) M