I was published in the May issue of the Cards magazine! Can I just tell you how excited I was to see my card in their magazine? Excited! :) Alisha, who is one of the editors of Cards Magazine was able to publish me. Thanks Alisha! That's my most exciting news right now.

Get ready for more frequent postings starting next week! I hope you're all excited like me!
So VERY awesome!!!! I knew you were a great designer and now it really shows!!! Congrats on your first publication!
Woohoo! Isn't that an awesome feeling?!
That is wonderful lindz....I love the card too!
That is AWESOME!!! Congrats!!! Super cute card!!
Thats so cool! Congrats!!
WAY freaking cute card!!! Oh yeah...my friend is famous :)
Way to go on getting published!! That is an amazing feeling!! I kept thinking "I want to be published"....but I never sent anything in!! Then suddenly BAM...I was published in the March AND May issues of Cards 2007! You are really good!! Keep up the great work!!
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