Thursday, July 31, 2008
"Ghost Ride Da Whip"
Okay so last week, July 24th to be exact, me and a bunch of my friends decided to do this video called "Ghost Ride" I have never heard anything about it, knowing me. We went in my friend Ryan's truck to the UVU parking lot across the street from where we live to film it. Check out my friends Russ and Selena's Blog to see a video of what we did. It's not the best quality, but it works. :)
Well, here it is folks, my first blogger award, I would like to thank everyone who made this possible!

So, there are rules to this award.
1. Post the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who nominated you.
3. Nominate 7 other people for this award and add links to their blog.
4. Leave a message for the people that you nominated!
Well there are a lot of people out there who deserve this award that I know. I do not have any certain order as well. I would say Chris again, but he already received this award.
I would have to say my sister Jackie Sealy! Congratulations! You just received your first blogger award! Jackie is one of my very best friends and I am glad she keeps her blog updated so I can see her cute little family.
I would have to say my other sister, Kendra Hansen too! She's very important in my life as well. I don't know what I would do if she didn't live close to me here in Orem. I have so much fun with her! Congrats! I love the fun stuff you do with your blog when you get on that is! :)
Next, I pick Amber Parry. Every time she puts up new things of her cute little kids, it makes me miss last summer so much! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to be a part of your kids' life last summer. What a fun job that was! I love the videos she has as well! THEY ARE TOO CUTE! Congrats for having such a cute blog. :)

This Prestigious award was given to me by my best friend Chris Clark. His blog is awesome and I am so grateful to have such an amazing friend like Chris in my life. It made my day to know that he chose me!
So, there are rules to this award.
1. Post the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who nominated you.
3. Nominate 7 other people for this award and add links to their blog.
4. Leave a message for the people that you nominated!
Well there are a lot of people out there who deserve this award that I know. I do not have any certain order as well. I would say Chris again, but he already received this award.
I would have to say my sister Jackie Sealy! Congratulations! You just received your first blogger award! Jackie is one of my very best friends and I am glad she keeps her blog updated so I can see her cute little family.
I would have to say my other sister, Kendra Hansen too! She's very important in my life as well. I don't know what I would do if she didn't live close to me here in Orem. I have so much fun with her! Congrats! I love the fun stuff you do with your blog when you get on that is! :)
Next, I pick Amber Parry. Every time she puts up new things of her cute little kids, it makes me miss last summer so much! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to be a part of your kids' life last summer. What a fun job that was! I love the videos she has as well! THEY ARE TOO CUTE! Congrats for having such a cute blog. :)
Monday, July 21, 2008
Camping in June
A bunch of us just being crazy.
Mollie loves to entertain! :) Maybe that's where I got it from.
We found some really cool stuff to make our fire look like this! All it took was taking a picture! :)
This is where Mollie and I slept that night! Believe me- I will never sleep under the stars unless on a trampoline. Haha
Me and the guys! our other roommates weren't there yet.
Me and my crazy eyes with Mollie. It was pretty dark out there.
I know this was a while ago, but it is something to blog about. I went camping the end of June with a group of people. I'll just tell you that my kind of camping is sleeping in a hotel. :) I am not much of a camper, BUT one night is great! I just like to be clean and not have dirt all over me. We went up Provo canyon and went up Vivian park way far up and ended up camping the "rough" way. There was a little park below the place where we camped and we played with a football and a frisbee. We roasted marshmallows and hot dogs! Then we decided to play a little sherades (spelling?) around the campfire which turned out to be a lot of fun. These are just a few silly pictures from the camp out. What crazy clean fun we had!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Batman -The Dark Knight

Ok can I just say what an amazing movie from the beginning to the end?! I would totally pick a comedy/romance movie over any other genre. BUT I really do enjoy action movies. This movie kept me intense the whole way through. I highly recommend you go and see this one. So our night started out pretty good. I never did see the first one, Batman Begins until last night. I watched that one before we left to go see the second one. Mollie and I thought Ryan, who got us the tickets, got tickets for 8:30 at THANKSGIVING POINT, right!? Well he tells us it's at 10 so we get to thanksgiving point about 9:30 with all the rest of the group. He bought the tickets online so he had to type in his confirmation number in order to get them. It wasn't working. He then looked at his paper one more time and he said "Oh no, the city says Salt Lake City at the Gatewy" By this time it was 20-25 til. We were all dying, but laughing. Let's just say we made it JUST in time and thank you for reserved seating!!! :) GO SEE IT!!!!
Monday, July 7, 2008
I'm going to really miss him!
The last week in June I was able to get off work and go down to Arizona and spend some time with Chris. Mollie, Chris and I all drove down to Arizona to take Chris back home and make a trip out of it. I had such a fun time! We went with some people to the Lava Tubes that are in Flagstaff. It was really neat! We didn't go all the way, but as far as we went was cool! We went to a movie one night also. I just can't believe that is the last time I will see him until he gets back from his mission. It's killing me! He is such a great friend to me. I feel like I can tell him anything! He is going to be greatly missed by me! THIS will be one of the hardest things for me to deal with right now. If he wasn't such a great friend it wouldn't be so hard. But what he is going to do is the best thing for him right now! Thanks for everything CHRIS!

Chris taking his turn driving us to Arizona.
This is us inside the lava tubes. Can't see much behind us because it's really dark.

Saying our goodbyes. :(
Saying our goodbyes. :(
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