Have you heard of Pinterest? Well if you haven't, you best be checking it out real soon. It seriously is the best way to store stuff that you.... well love that is. Mine is starting to fill up quite fast. I love that you can customize your own boards/categories and pin items you like in them. The best part of it all is that it automatically connects the source of where you found the image so you can go back for reference.

Pinterest is the best inspiration keeper invention ever! You have to be invited so email me if you'd like to be invited and we'll get you all set up.
Join me on Pinterest. I promise you will not regret it.
Ok, Lindsey, I want it. It looks like just what I need. My desktop is FULL of pix I don't know wht to do with, but I want them. Let me know how. Thx much, sounds fun! Love, Shelley (mollie's mom, Gretta's grammy)
I must be clueless, but I don't know where to go and what to do. Help!! Sorry
Thanks for sharing Pinterest with us! Amanda's shower turned out amazing thanks to your special touches. I LOVE your creative style...what would we do without you?
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