Sunday, December 23, 2007
The Past Month...
Wow! Okay I know I know I know. It has been a really LONG time since I have blogged. After talking to Amber today at church-I feel really guilty. But then again, I have been really busy the past 2 months! -school, work, christmas, a little fun here and there, and a bunch of other little things that just come along the way. I am so happy to have my first semester of school Done! Everyone--- I PASSED!! Yipee... and I still have my scholarship! That's a plus, RIGHT? I am home for the Christmas break and have to go back the night of the 26th to work the next day. It feels so good to sit here and just type and not have to worry about anything! I am stress free! You might all be wondering if there is a guy in my life--- well let's just say there are MANY! hahaha My ward is a really good one and there are so many nice guys that are so awesome! I am too busy to be into any kind of trouble. Which is a good thing! To keep me straight! This coming semester I will be taking: drawing, sculpture, and 2D design. Yes, I know, they sound pretty easy, but I have to take these classes for my major. I need to work up to the HARD stuff, unfortunately. I am quite excited with these classes. My job is wonderful! I work with great people! American Crafts is growing quite big and we have two seperate warehouses at the moment. At the beginning of the year, we will be combining the two warehouses. I am not very excited about helping move ALL the product into another warehouse! It will be quite a treat-let me tell ya! This means that Kendra and I will be in two different buildings really soon! It breaks my heart! I enjoy going into her office everyday and saying hi. Sorry this is so long... but it is an update on me! I hope to hear from all of you!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Weekend in Arizona
Mollie, Jenna, Jake and I decided we should go to Arizona one weekend. Mollie's family is from Arizona, so we decided to stay at their home for the weekend. It was such a blast! We left right after work on Friday! The drive ended up being 8 1/2 hours down to Prescott, AZ. I still cannot believe that we did it in just a weekend! On Saturday we just hung out at Mollie's house and watched movies. Later that afternoon, we went to a park and played Frisbee for a little bit. We then thought it would be fun to go "Boulder Climbing" down by this lake. It was so much fun! It was quite an adventure I will tell you that! Jake decided to rock climb free-style! He went bare-foot and all! It made me so NERVOUS! He climbed up this really big rock that was surrounded all by water. It wasn't deep enough for him to jump after he got to the top so he had to climb back down some how. Maybe it was a good thing I didn't see or I would have freaked out! Saturday night we drove to Phoenix where it was low 70s at 8:30 at night! It was so PERFECT! We went to the concert Brand New-it was quite fun! We then just lounged on Sunday and left about 1:00 and didn't get home until 10:30 that night!!! It felt like FOREVER! But it was a fun thing to do!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Hestihun's Halloween Sideshow
My friend Mollie invited me to go to this halloween party. It was so COOL! It felt like I was in a movie, or something that you would see in a movie. The theme was like a circus/carnival. They had games like ring toss and knock over milk cans kind-of-games for the little kids. They also had face painting, a clown making funky things out of balloons, a photographer taking your picture when you come in, a snake pit, fortune teller, a big jumping thing for the kids, and FOOD!

This is a picture of the trailer where the fortune telling went on. It was so cool inside! They had it all decked out with fun stuff.

This is the crazy clown that walked around on stilts juggling. He was so CRAZY! I couldn't believe he could do that at the same time without falling! Sorry these pictures are pretty dark-it was dark outside! lol
my computer has a bad connection and won't let me put more pictures... so you will have to wait! There are more good ones!
This is a picture of the trailer where the fortune telling went on. It was so cool inside! They had it all decked out with fun stuff.
This is the crazy clown that walked around on stilts juggling. He was so CRAZY! I couldn't believe he could do that at the same time without falling! Sorry these pictures are pretty dark-it was dark outside! lol
my computer has a bad connection and won't let me put more pictures... so you will have to wait! There are more good ones!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
What am I studying in college?
I am studying GRAPHIC DESIGN! Let me tell ya... I LOVE IT! I cannot wait to become a designer of... something! I cannot decide what I am going to do with it yet. My intentions are to be a designer for American Crafts. Something to that idea. I can go on and on .. but I will spare you!
If I were to be an animal, what would I be?
Okay, Okay, Okay! I know! I did that poll along time ago and I need to do something about it, right? Because aren't you curious!? It is pretty obvious I guess. I would want to be a dolphin! The reason why is because: Dolphin's seem to be happy all the time! They are so active and seem to care a lot about others that are around them. They are quite a piece of entertainment! Maybe that's why I like them so much! :)
Holy! It's been a long long LONG time since I have blogged. I know there is a lot that i can blog about, but I don't want to without pictures! Which means, I have to go take pictures in order for me to blog about it! :) How about we just update a little bit about what's going on in my life right now? Sound good? Well I hope so.. because that's what I am going to do!
I am going to start off by saying that I am STRESS FREE at the moment that is. I just got done taking a huge test on Monday for my art history from the Renaissance class. It amazes me how interesting it is, but when it comes to taking the test... I don't know what happens! Today is the day that I find out what I got! Which means I am sitting in class for another 20 minutes for class to begin. I don't have anything to study yet! YAY! I just hope I did well on the test!
My mom, sister, and niece are suppose to be getting into town in a a couple of hours from now and I cannot wait to see them! It feels so good to have them come down here and send some time with Kendra and I for once! I cannot wait to have a girl's night out with my family. I love them so much and wish we could all be together all the time! Families are amazing I would have to say. The things they do for ya! :)
There's a lot going on down here this weekend. It is Rich High School's Girl's Volleyball State this week/end. And a lot of my friends from High School will be down here. There are dances, friend's farewell this Sunday, a party to go to Saturday night with my friend Mollie in Salt Lake. She nannies for Jared Hess- the Director and Producer of Nepoleon Dynamite and Nacho Libre. I GET TO MEET HIM! - GET THIS! THERE ARE GOING TO BE LIVE SNAKES!! That is my biggest fear in the world! I told there that there is NO WAY I am going! She said that they will be locked up in their cages! She better be right or I am going to bolt right out of there! I guess I better overcome this fear some how. But why should I? How CAN I? (There will for sure be a post and PICTURES in the near future!) M
I am going to start off by saying that I am STRESS FREE at the moment that is. I just got done taking a huge test on Monday for my art history from the Renaissance class. It amazes me how interesting it is, but when it comes to taking the test... I don't know what happens! Today is the day that I find out what I got! Which means I am sitting in class for another 20 minutes for class to begin. I don't have anything to study yet! YAY! I just hope I did well on the test!
My mom, sister, and niece are suppose to be getting into town in a a couple of hours from now and I cannot wait to see them! It feels so good to have them come down here and send some time with Kendra and I for once! I cannot wait to have a girl's night out with my family. I love them so much and wish we could all be together all the time! Families are amazing I would have to say. The things they do for ya! :)
There's a lot going on down here this weekend. It is Rich High School's Girl's Volleyball State this week/end. And a lot of my friends from High School will be down here. There are dances, friend's farewell this Sunday, a party to go to Saturday night with my friend Mollie in Salt Lake. She nannies for Jared Hess- the Director and Producer of Nepoleon Dynamite and Nacho Libre. I GET TO MEET HIM! - GET THIS! THERE ARE GOING TO BE LIVE SNAKES!! That is my biggest fear in the world! I told there that there is NO WAY I am going! She said that they will be locked up in their cages! She better be right or I am going to bolt right out of there! I guess I better overcome this fear some how. But why should I? How CAN I? (There will for sure be a post and PICTURES in the near future!) M
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Fat Cats-Bowling
A bunch of us decided to go bowling Thursday night (the 11th). We went to Fat Cats and ate at the Costa Vida that they had there. None of the people that I went with have never eaten at Costa Vida! I could not believe it! I thought they would have eaten Cafe Rio too-but they haven't had that either! I thought I was suppose to be the one who doesn't get out much! I met Jordan through my cousin.. This was the first time I hung out with him. He is such a blast! It's so fun to have so many different friends so you don't ever get sick of the same ones! :) After we ate, we went bowling for an hour. It was such a blast! I think this is the funnest thing I have done that has COST since I have moved down here. I did pretty bad the first round, but come the second round of bowling, I did pretty good with a score of 45! Let's just say I beat everyone! The reason being- we only got through 3 rounds out of ten! Who knows if I would have kept beating them. -I bet I could. Just kidding! It was a great night! I hope you enjoy!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
My Buddy Chris!
This is my very good friend Chris who just moved to Arizona. I have had so much fun hanging out with him over the past year. I am so sad that he had to move. I was just starting to get to know him a lot more. He is such a funny guy who could make anyone laugh.. especially me. He is so amazing! I do not think I have ever met a smarter guy when it comes to technology! He blows my mind away! I feel like I have to go to him for anything... instead of me taking the time and just trying to figure it out on my own. He was the guy who I could go to to just listen to whatever I had to say. It still does not seem like he is gone. This picture was a couple nights before he moved away! A few of us went out to eat at the Pizza Factory. I had such a great time! I'm going to miss you, Chris!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Happy Birthday!

So a bunch of Kendra's friends met up with us at Chili's for her birthday dinner. I was so excited that she picked Chili's because I LOVE their food! I get the same thing every time I go there: Chicken Fajita Quesadillas w/guacamole. Melynda made reservations for us. My friend Mollie and I get there before anyone else and let the hostess know that we are here. She says that it will be about 15 to 20 minutes. That did not make any sense-I thought that when you make reservations it should be ready in the next 5 minutes, right? Well, we ended up waiting for about 15 minutes. We sit down and then wait again forever!-so Melynda went up to tell the hostess that we STILL haven't been help---oh and by the way, there were only 9 of us there.. not too big. So our waitress finally comes and helps us and then four of us go through three chips and salsa before we even get our meal! We seriously waited for 1 hour! NO JOKE! I was starting to get impatient, annoyed, and STARVING for my favorite meal, right? Well, it finally comes and I didn't get my guacamole! She totally forgot, so I TRIED to remind her and then the next thing I know... it takes her seriously five minutes to bring it to me. By the time I get it, I'm done eating! That's not all folks. We get our bills and mine was around $11.oo. I gave her my card and then she brings back the receipt for me to sign. She only charged me $7.86. I wasn't getting it! I told her and she wasn't going to do anything about it. She was arguing back at us, so Kendra just said I will pay for just that! I have never had such bad service at Chili's or any restaurant. Oh well.. I guess we have to have bad service at least once in our life! Happy Birthday Kendra!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Just Life
I haven't blogged for a while, so I just thought I would just say a few words of what's been happening to me lately. It's nothing exciting to hear, but I thought it's time to blog! Last night I went to the studio at UVSC to have pictures taken of me. My friend, Mollie has a photography class that she has to take pictures of someone. So she picked ME! I felt so loved and important. I really did need to feel important at that time. I felt like a model! I will post some pictures when she gives them to me! I hope they turned out! It was quite a treat. That is about all for now!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Sunday, September 9, 2007
My roomies!

These are just a few of my roommates! We decided to have a girl's night in watching a chick flick! We watched Charley! I haven't seen that show in a very long time, but, of course, I fell asleep half way through it and then just saw a little bit of the end. I love my roommates. I could not ask for better roommates than these. We have had some fun times together. It's kind of hard to do something with everyone since there are 7 of us! We at least had 4 of us there, right? This was also the night we decided to go to sonic for a shake! We all went like this with our new UVSC shirts that we got for free! Well... that's it for now!
Friday, September 7, 2007
Service Committee
Friday night I went with my roommate to a leadership BBQ for institute which also had some fun activities! I had such a blast. I didn't know it was for the committee members who have signed up to be on all these different committees that are part of institute. I never knew there were so many different types of committees that you could be on. I am so glad my roommate, Stephanie reminded me about it.
I decided to join the service committee. I am so excited to be part of a group that can make me feel like I have accomplished something so worth-while. Doing service for others is something that I do to help relieve stress. It helps me to not thing about myself for a while and help others out who are more in need than me. OR help beautify the community in ways that make others happy beside myself. I can't wait to hear what the first project will be!
I decided to join the service committee. I am so excited to be part of a group that can make me feel like I have accomplished something so worth-while. Doing service for others is something that I do to help relieve stress. It helps me to not thing about myself for a while and help others out who are more in need than me. OR help beautify the community in ways that make others happy beside myself. I can't wait to hear what the first project will be!
I haven't blogged for a while so I thought I should put an update on myself. I am taking this amazing class! I don't think I have ever taken a class where I wanted to learn; maybe because I know that I can do something MORE with it. PHOTOGRAPHY! I could not believe how much work you have to put into a picture. I am so glad I am taking this class so I can "Pretend" I am a professional.

This is the EXACT camera I am using for my class. Pretty old school ey? But I love it! It's the only way to go! My parents are letting me borrow it from them. Hopefully one day I will be able to afford my own camera so I can take even more cool pictures. Check out all the gadgets on this camera! It doesn't look like it from this view, but let me tell ya! There is a lot to this camera that I had no idea. Every little part counts to produce a great picture. You have to have the shutter speed, certain amount of light into each picture and focus to make the picture like great!
Our first project that we will be doing has to do with one object that is bigger than a can of soup and smaller than the size of a poster board. I haven't decided on what to shoot for my object. So if any of you have any ideas just let me know with a comment! I will need to know before next Thursday (13th). I can't wait to do it! ... hopefully it will make more sense when I am more into it. Wish me good luck!

This is the EXACT camera I am using for my class. Pretty old school ey? But I love it! It's the only way to go! My parents are letting me borrow it from them. Hopefully one day I will be able to afford my own camera so I can take even more cool pictures. Check out all the gadgets on this camera! It doesn't look like it from this view, but let me tell ya! There is a lot to this camera that I had no idea. Every little part counts to produce a great picture. You have to have the shutter speed, certain amount of light into each picture and focus to make the picture like great!
Our first project that we will be doing has to do with one object that is bigger than a can of soup and smaller than the size of a poster board. I haven't decided on what to shoot for my object. So if any of you have any ideas just let me know with a comment! I will need to know before next Thursday (13th). I can't wait to do it! ... hopefully it will make more sense when I am more into it. Wish me good luck!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
My Buddies!

I miss my cute, wonderful kids that I babysat all summer. It's so hard to be this far away from them. I just hope they will remember who I am so when I come home to visit, they will still want to come and see me. I have learned so much from them. They for sure kept me on my toes. I miss the idea of being with them when they say the Darndest things. OR the way they do things that you would never know a kid that age could do. I mean, honestly, who knows how to pose for the camera at age 3!!? Natalee amazed me every day with the craziest things. I loved the fact that she would call me Linds instead of by my full name Lindsey. AND we can't forget about little Noah! Oh wait.. that should be BIG Noah! All my friends cannot believe that he is only 1. It is kind of hard to believe.. but it is true. He is such a stud and I know he is going to be a heart breaker when he gets older. Like I have said... I have learned so much from them and have gotten to know these cute little kids a lot more. I hope they remember to be the best they can be when they get older! I love you guys and I miss you so much!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
My Dad's 50th

So clear back on August 5th, it was my dad's 50th birthday! It was such a great day for him... so I think.. I know it was for me because I knew he would be happy. I love my dad so much and I miss him already and it has only been a week! He gives me the best advice and wisdom that I need to be able to get around in life a lot easier. His advice is always good no matter the situation. He makes me think about what I should be doing. Other times... he can get on a roll and tease me like no other. I guess that is what he does to have fun with us right? It's all good! I love you dad!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Well... guess what I did? I forgot my cable that is suppose to plug into my camera and laptop to download my pictures! So I won't be posting anything too soon! I will be coming home labor day weekend so i will get it then. So do not expect anything until then. Love ya all!
I love my MOM!
I just want to tell everyone how much my mom really means to me. She is such a special person. I could not ask for a better mom than her. It's killing me to live as far as I do from her. Like my dad says... "we daughters cannot go one day without talking to our mom more than twice a day!" How can you if she is just such a wonderful lady!? I mean.. really? She taught me so much over the years and she could probably still teach me so much if I would have just let her. Being on my own changes the meaning so much of how important a mother really is. My mom has such great qualities in her that no one else might not see. Mom, if you are reading this... remember how important you are to me.. you are the light in my life and I hope I can be a great mother just like you ARE today! I love you!.. Lindsey
Sunday, August 19, 2007
New Posts coming soon!
I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to blog anything lately... since I have been so busy with work, packing, and moving down to Orem! BUT I am almost settled completely and I am at my sister's house using her internet because I don't know how to connect to the internet at my apartment yet! Hopefully I will know by tomorrow! I want to stay in touch with all of ya so make sure you talk to me! I want to hear from all of you! I miss everyone already!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Girls' Camp 2007
It has taken me almost a month to finally blog about my last Girls' Camp ever. I really enjoyed it a bunch. I am so glad I had the opportunity to teach my "circle group" the whole time I was there. It was the neatest experience I have ever had. The Stake leaders told us that we would be going on this 3 mile hike to the top of a mountain and look over the Grace Valley. It then would be 3 miles back to our camp. I SWEAR they lied to us. I think it actually ended up being 4.5 miles there and 4.5 back because the trail zig-zagged all along the mountain. I have never seen such steep hills in my life! We kept sliding down the trail when we were trying to CLIMB up the hill! If you didn't notice, check out the pictures of how high we ended up being. It was so beautiful and the most rewarding thing ever. When we arrived at the top of the mountain, we ate our sack "dinner" and the stake camp director Dee Johnson spoke to us. It took us like 3 whole hours or MORE to get up there and only 45 minutes to get down! I was suprised I wasn't as sore as I thought would be. BUT it was great!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Rating my Blog

Mingle2 - Free Online Dating
I'm pretty glad that my blog is only rated G! YAY!! How about yours? Check it out here. Is it as good as mine!?
Sunday, July 15, 2007
My Toe Surgery
HOLY COW! I have never felt something so painful in my life before. Just imagine someone RIPPING off your toenail.. not just one.. but TWO! I just died when he said they would have to be removed COMPLETELY!! The part that killed the most was getting the shots to numb my toes. My doctor, DJ, put two shots in my right toe-the shots were taken right on the nuckle of my toe! That was when it was painful. He then put two more shots in my left toe. After that he waited about 5 minutes and came back in and started to do "the job." First of all.. my right toe did not go numb so he had to give me TWO MORE shots in that toe. I could not believe how painful it was. Then he ripped out both of my toenails and showed me what one of my toenails looked like. It was discusting. OH I fogot something.. when he was ripping off my last toenail blood spurted/splashed everywhere onto my leg. Sick huh!? He then wrapped them both up with gause and wrapped blue tape as you can see. Oh .. I forgot to tell you that DJ put the toenail back on just to help the other grow... soomething like that I guess. I was shocked when I pulled the bandages off early this afternoon. They look pretty gory and sick to me. It reminds me of a thriller/satanic movie when things like this are shown in a movie like that. YUCK! I just could not believe how much puss hehehe.. came out of my toes. Maybe it wasn't puss; it just might have been the neosporin on it. BUT the thing is.. that stuff wasn't there when I first took of the bandages. hehehehe. ENJOY! All I can say is.. this better heal fast or it better be easy to walk around with sooner than later. I am scared to take off the bandages tomorrow to see what it looks like. Maybe I just won't take them off. :) I just hope the rest of my summer isn't shot away. :(
Saturday, July 14, 2007
My water baby!

Check out this cute little, clean baby that just got out of the tub with grandma. I took this picture about 5 minutes ago! I don't know how I snapped this picture at the right time to get her to smile. I cannot believe how grown up she looks now. Maybe it's the teeth! :) BUT I LOVE IT AND I LOVE HER!! She has been the best baby yet today.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
So.. I just found out that this guy I liked (past tense that is...) has a girlfriend. I had NO IDEA! I feel so lame now and I wish I wouldn't have gotten my hopes up to high. Well.. I did. Nothing can ever go right for me.. I SWEAR!! I guess that's what life is all about right? Oh well. i will just have to live. It just isn't right when they flirt right back at ya and LEAD you on! I swear, the only guys that come after me are creeps, weird, nerdy, or annoying people that I cannot STAND! I can never have it my way! Just because I am looking out for this cute, gorgeous, attractive guy and a great example of an LDS boy has to some how have a girlfriend that he doesn't want you to know about. OR else they are too good for you and you're not good lookin'.. skinny enough for them kind-of-a-thing. Life just isn't fare. I guess I will have to move on and deal with it... ONCE AGAIN! This is one reason why I can't wait to get to college.. there will be many guys to see there!--- hopefully they are interested! I always have to tell myself--- Enjoy life and never wish it away. Move on.. because it's not ment to be. The future only gets better!--so we think!
Friday, June 22, 2007

So.. there is this album by Mika who I really like, but I think I would like it a lot better if I had the music right? I was intruduced to this music by my sister, Kendra when we were on our way down to my USU Graduation. AND ever since, I have been dying to listen to Mika! I cannot wait until Kendra gives me the CD. It's just fun and spunky kind of music! Check it out if you haven't already. I can't wait to have it all to myself! ENJOY!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Falcon Beach

I don't know what it is, but I really like Falcon Beach. I think it might have to do with the wakeboarder Jason Tanner. He is just so cute! You might consider this a cheesy show.. but not for me right at the moment! It gives me something to look forward to on Monday nights. They better end up having a season three next year. It's quite the excitement I would have to say! I like the drama I guess. I'm still a teenager at heart! (I guess I still am though too :))
FOREVER! and the first day of SUMMER
So.. It feels like it has been forever and I mean FOREVER since I have blogged. My life has been so hectic lately, it makes me just want to SLEEP and SLEEP and SLEEP! I don't know what I would do if I was at the boat rental again this year. It has been really nice not having to be there every day all day. AND it is a plus to actually have two different jobs that are steady and not difficult. If you get sick of one of them, you don't have to worry, because you are at the other job the next day! Today was the first day of summer! How cool is that!? But the sad thing about it is that the sun will be going down sooner now. That makes me sad. I always get in the depression mode when the sun goes down so early! ESPECIALLY the winter! My heck.. they should just leave the time the same.. or something!! When people say that summer is three months long, they're WRONG! It ends up to be only about two whole months. It is such a bummer. BUT I do have to admit, I am pretty excited for this fall to be down in Orem going to school at UVSC. It is going to be such a blast. But I will not wish my summer away, because this is great too! It's great to be 18!
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Hawaiian Flowers
I thought it would be fun while I am in Hawaii to take a picture of every flower that was different. I could not believe how amazing Hawaii's flowers are! This is not all the pictures I have taken of flowers- I have more on the way! The flowers just seemed too amazing to be real! I enjoyed how colorful it made Hawaii!
Graduation 5/25/07

Graduation was so cool! I just cannot believe it is over! I DID IT! It was a really neat experience and just knowing now that I have my whole life ahead of me- it has just begun! I don't know if I should feel bad that I didn't cry, but I know for a fact I will cry when it is time to move out of the house. That is the big change that will for sure hit me. It hasn't come to a realization yet that I have graduated because I left straight for Hawaii after graduation. I guess it will when I hit reality. I will hold on to those memories forever and cherish them!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007

What do you think?! Weren't the Jazz so awesome last night or what!? I can't believe they won with all the turnovers they had. Isn't this guy Hott! Fisher is the man! I mean, really, check out those arms! He played such a great game last night. He also has such a great heart for others. That's what made me like him even more!
Williams is also another one of my favorite players. I don't know what it is, but he is cute too. hehehe He honestly didn't have a very good game last night, but that doesn't mean he is a bad player every night. Keep up the good work Jazz!
Williams is also another one of my favorite players. I don't know what it is, but he is cute too. hehehe He honestly didn't have a very good game last night, but that doesn't mean he is a bad player every night. Keep up the good work Jazz!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Check out this room! Isn't so cool!? I wish I could have a big room and NICE stuff like this to help me stay organized and clean. I just love the idea of boxes and cupboards to hide stuff. If I showed you a picture of my room right now, you will be so dissapointed in me! I just can't wait until I am STRESS-FREE!
I love to be organized! I'm not very good at it though. I only consider myself to be organized when I am not busy and I can stay up with all my stuff. I love to buy organization boxes and baskets to help me stay organized. I think it would be a good side job to be on mission organization. I do better when I organize other people's things.
Some of the things that you will need to help you be organized:
1. You first of all need to have the desire.
2. Have a few boxes (that are cute and cheap) to start out.
3. Keep your room clean all the time. (I know.. i'm a hyprocrite but this is my goal!)
4. Put the important things that you use more often where they are easily accessible.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Can I do it all in 4 days?
It has been a while since I have posted so I decided I would stop my busy work and take a minute to spill out all my frustrations that I am having. I have so many "if only"s. I just hope I can get through this week and then a lot of my worries will be gone! Thursday is my last day of school work because the last week of school is mostly goof around (hopefully, that is). I swear nothing can go right for me. I have to deal with stupid modbe orders.. which I AM NOT going to deal with whether they like it or not! I am not the one that is getting paid. I have to work and make sure all of my school work gets handed in on time. There's just so many little things that just keep me busy. I don't know if I am going to make it, but i guess there is always a way. AND I don't know how I can do it every time! I just want to say how grateful I am for my mom and all that she does for me. She is always there whenever I need her. She is a life-saver. I love her to death. I hope that I can be as great as an example as she is to me! Happy Mother's Day Mom! I love you!
Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Twilight is one of the best books I have ever read. Usually the sequals to books aren't good. But the sequal to twilight was pretty good too! I don't know if you feel the same way, but when you read a book you don't really think about reading again for a LONG time because you forgot what it was about. But with this series, you want to read it over and over again just to catch the details you missed the first time! When my sister came home for christmas and was reading Twilight and when she told me what it was about I never would have thought I would be reading it! But I DID and I don't regret it! I got all my friends at school reading it, and the next thing you know, the whole school is reading it! How could you not though? Honestly. I need to buy my own New Moon now... since it has the first chapter of Eclipse in it. These books that I read have helped me to fall in love with reading! I like to be in a good book-such as these. I hope someone else can come up with a great book that is similar to these SOON!
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Interview With Melynda
1. What would you call a perfect date?
A perfect date would be someone you like first of all. Having a date that is not planned out and just go with the flow would make the day a lot of fun. I honestly would have to say anything but the same old dinner and a movie kind-of-a-thing. I think it would be really romantic to take a walk on the beach at a sunset-after the fun day, that is. And of course, just to talk to each other and get to know them a lot more. That would be neat!
2. If you could do anything in the world for your job, what would it be and why?
oooo.. That's a hard one. How about I tell you two that I would choose from? I think it would be so fun to be a photographer. Shooting pictures one right after another sounds enticing! I think it would be fun to travel all over the world to just take pictures of people and, of course, the scenery. I think it would be awesome to be the major designer that would make me famous! My name would be all over the world for being this major designer of some sort. Just anything.
3. If you could drive any car, what would it be and why?
I don't know what it is, but I am a sucker when it comes to vehicles. I like cars and SUVs, so how about I tell you one of each! But that doesn't mean that is my only favorite car. Car: To make it dramatic, it would have to be a Mini Cooper (at the moment) because they are just so cute and easy to get around in. SUV: Now if you want to get all fancy and expensive- I would have to say a Hummer. They are different and look so cool! If only I had the money for it.
4. Who is the nicest person you have ever met?
I know this shouldn't be a hard question, but wouldn't you have to agree it is easier to find someone that is rude or annoying? Hmmmm... I would have to say my adopted Grandma Dorothy. She is always so sweet and in the best mood whenever you see her. That is why she is my adopted Grandma. She always has a smile on her face and wants to know what's new with you. She is so active and on the move. I adore her so much and I hope that I can be like her when I get older.
5. Tell us something special about yourself that no one else knows.
I will have to think on this one. Since no one can help me with this!
A perfect date would be someone you like first of all. Having a date that is not planned out and just go with the flow would make the day a lot of fun. I honestly would have to say anything but the same old dinner and a movie kind-of-a-thing. I think it would be really romantic to take a walk on the beach at a sunset-after the fun day, that is. And of course, just to talk to each other and get to know them a lot more. That would be neat!
2. If you could do anything in the world for your job, what would it be and why?
oooo.. That's a hard one. How about I tell you two that I would choose from? I think it would be so fun to be a photographer. Shooting pictures one right after another sounds enticing! I think it would be fun to travel all over the world to just take pictures of people and, of course, the scenery. I think it would be awesome to be the major designer that would make me famous! My name would be all over the world for being this major designer of some sort. Just anything.
3. If you could drive any car, what would it be and why?
I don't know what it is, but I am a sucker when it comes to vehicles. I like cars and SUVs, so how about I tell you one of each! But that doesn't mean that is my only favorite car. Car: To make it dramatic, it would have to be a Mini Cooper (at the moment) because they are just so cute and easy to get around in. SUV: Now if you want to get all fancy and expensive- I would have to say a Hummer. They are different and look so cool! If only I had the money for it.
4. Who is the nicest person you have ever met?
I know this shouldn't be a hard question, but wouldn't you have to agree it is easier to find someone that is rude or annoying? Hmmmm... I would have to say my adopted Grandma Dorothy. She is always so sweet and in the best mood whenever you see her. That is why she is my adopted Grandma. She always has a smile on her face and wants to know what's new with you. She is so active and on the move. I adore her so much and I hope that I can be like her when I get older.
5. Tell us something special about yourself that no one else knows.
I will have to think on this one. Since no one can help me with this!
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Can you resist?
So I think it is my turn to brag about my little neice, McKenna. I have spent the whole afternoon and night with her today. She makes my day everytime I see her.. or a picture of her. I don't know what I am going to do when I move away to go to college. :( She is such a busy body. I love to make her laugh and smile. Almost everytime that I come in the room and she sees me, she starts screaming! How can you resist this cute baby!? No wonder why she is so spoiled! I don't know what I would do without her. She has brought so much color into my world! I can't wait to have more neices and nephews!
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
"She Don't Know"
So.. tonight I was talking to my sister w/video talk on messenger and our mom came up to look at this swimming suit. We told her about this blogger web site and a few minutes later she called it Boggling. What kind of a word is that!? Our mom always comes up with good ones.Oh and get this! My sister forwarded me an email that was from my mom and she said "by the way, what does that really mean?" She cracks me up sometimes. That's why we love her.. oh and many other reasons too! I'll have to admit and confess.. i've got my own sayings too! Maybe that is where I got it from!
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
His Hero!
I just had the most uplifting conversation with one of my friends that I have met through my cousin. It's this guy who is trying so hard to stay on the right track. I tried to help him out by giving him a few pointers. He just made me want to be a better person and to help others out. He made me also feel so good about myself and how I am a great example to him. I am his hero! I don't think I have ever been anyone's hero. Trying to stand up for what I believe in may be hard, but it is worth it! It can touch other people's lives. That's why I want to go on a mission! Just remember what you stand for and everything will be okay!
The joy of blogging!
I don't know what it is, but I love to ramble off and off. I don't know if it's because I am at school and blogging sounds so much better than doing what I really NEED to be getting done. I guess it's also a good way to say in words how I feel- and then it makes me feel a lot better.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Just a few more weeks!
This past weekend I graduated with my Associates Degree from Utah State University. I still cannot believe I did it!!--Well, I don't know if I can say that yet since I still have 2 weeks left of it, but i'm sure I can do it (hopefully). I don't know if I have ever been so stressed out in my life. All I can say is, I'm sure glad that I am only going to be a senior once! Just doing all the little things that are still important sure get to me because they add up FAST! I don't know if anybody else feels the same way, but I sure cannot wait for summer to be here! I couldn't wait at all, so yesterday I decided to lay out on my deck and take a nap with my pants rolled up... I kind of got sunburned! Hawaii cannot come soon enough for me! Here's a little peice of Hawaii you can enjoy! Hopefully you're one of the lucky ones who gets to go with me! :D
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